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book:westley11 [2010/05/02 21:03] – created jimsbook:westley11 [2011/06/09 14:15] paulseymour
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 //[[001.Richard|Richard]]//<sup>1</sup>), born 1911 in Cannonsville, Delaware, NY, //[[001.Richard|Richard]]//<sup>1</sup>), born 1911 in Cannonsville, Delaware, NY,
 died 1986 in Sidney, Delaware, NY.  Married Leone Dann, Ninevah/Oneonta NY,  died 1986 in Sidney, Delaware, NY.  Married Leone Dann, Ninevah/Oneonta NY, 
-b. 1907, daughter of Elmer of Dannville.+b. 1907, daughter of Elmer Dann of Dannville, Broome, NY.
 ^ Child (born in Sidney, Delaware, NY): ^^ ^ Child (born in Sidney, Delaware, NY): ^^
 | [[westley12|Westley Francis]] ("Skip") | b. 1944 | | [[westley12|Westley Francis]] ("Skip") | b. 1944 |
 +//Note: The following article was written by Paul Carleton Seymour.//
 +My dear grandfather.  How do I begin to describe this very cool, great
 +gentleman?  I'll attempt by starting with a collection of memories gained
 +over the 23 years of my life that luckily coincided with his.  First, I have
 +to tell you that he was, foremost, a gregarious guy.  Not like his son and
 +grandson that followed, who evidently caught more stoic genes from the
 +Dann's and Greene's respectively, although I have my moments.  As they would
 +say back in those days, he had the "gift of gab" It's important to note
 +that, as you can see by looking at the tree, he was the 6<sup>th</sup> of 7
 +children, who were separated by 21 years from youngest to oldest.  That
 +boggles my more modern mind.  I can't even imagine that situation, being the
 +1<sup>st</sup> born of just 2 kids, eleven months apart.
 +As I recall, this shaped him in many ways.  He spoke of his siblings more
 +like cousins than as brothers and sisters, with the notable exception of his
 +younger brother Clayton, to whom he was obviously very close.  I know that
 +because he occasionally spoke, with tears swelling in his eyes, of Clayton's
 +death at an early age, in a car accident.  He was in a car with a friend,
 +and was just 24 years old.  There seemed to be great debate over who was
 +driving the car.  The official version was that Clayton had been driving,
 +but that both had been ejected from the car in a violent crash, I think,
 +against a big old oak tree.  Grandpa refused to believe that Clayton had
 +been driving, as he considered him to be an outstanding driver.   Suffice to
 +say that Grandpa lost a very loved one at a young age.  Photo of Clayton
 +somewhere in Connecticut around 1933.
 +{{westley02.jpg|}}More memories-Grandpa loved to tell me stories when I was
 +a "youngster" as he would call me.  I cherished those moments, and I
 +listened intently.  I consider it a blessing that as a young boy I liked
 +listening to my elders.  I learned a lot from them.  To continue conveying
 +Wes, he told me about his days as a young man.  He didn't lie, which as I've
 +learned, seems to be a relatively unique characteristic of the Seymour men.
 +He would tell me, with a distant look in his eye, while recalling his youth,
 +that he was quite a poker player, and pool player.  I know this is true,
 +because like my father, I also loved to shoot some pool, and although I had
 +just started playing during Grampa's final days, I was able to win money on
 +the table at times.  My Dad was a little bit better than me, and neither one
 +of us could hold a candle to the "Old Man"  He told me a story once, that
 +while he was in his 20's, a professional billiards player passed through
 +Deposit, NY, which evidently was his hangout, to give an exhibition.
 +Grandpa, being the hottest cue in town, showed up to see him do his thing.
 +After showing his stuff, the pro accepted challenges from the crowd, which
 +several guys took him up on, playing the best of 3 games.  Of all the
 +challengers, he only lost 1 game, that being to Grandpa.  The pro was so
 +impressed with him that he asked him to travel around the country as his
 +partner.  This brings visions to mind of Paul Newman in his famous role as
 +the "Hustler" Grandpa was a bit of a hustler himself.   He knew exactly
 +how to let you win, just barely, until you had the confidence to bet more
 +heavily, at which time, you were dead.   But Grandpa was a home boy.  He was
 +never a traveler, like I am.  He said that he thought about it for a moment,
 +but had no interest in life on the road.
 +He also told me that in his younger days, before he met Grandma, that he was
 +a car salesman, and he augmented his commissions, playing both pool and
 +poker, and did quite well at it.  This must have been in the 30's, during
 +the Depression.  But it became a lonely life, and he wanted to settle down,
 +and have a family.  So he went to Sidney, where the old Cintilla factory was
 +starting to do well.  He took a job on the line, met Grandma Leone Dann, who
 +had divorced her 1<sup>st</sup> husband, and had a 10 year old son, Uncle
 +Richard D. "Dick" Curtis, and fell in love, and married her.
 +{{westley04.jpg|}}Grandma and Uncle Dick Curtis about the time she and
 +Grandpa married.
 +Evidently, his old habits of drinking whiskey, playing poker, and shooting
 +pool were hard to leave behind.   As I knew Grandpa, he was a teetotaler.
 +He told me that Grandma had made him an ultimatum.  "Stop drinking, or I'll
 +leave you", as he had had a losing night at the poker table, maybe the whole
 +paycheck, but I'm just guessing.
 +Grandma didn't play around.  As I knew her she never once drove a car.  She
 +told me that once Grandpa was criticizing her driving skills, and she pulled
 +over to the curb, got out, ordered Gramps out, and jumped in the passenger
 +seat, leaving Gramps to do the driving.  She never once drove again.  She
 +was serious.  So he never again touched a single drink, and they were
 +married for about 40 years thereafter, until death they departed.
 +Grandma told me stories about the days of the Great Depression, which like
 +all who lived through it, affected them greatly.  She told me stories of
 +seeing men on the street who were obviously hungry.  Although she was just
 +waitressing in the old Hotel DeCumber in Sidney, and taking in ironing to
 +support young Dick, she would invite some of them home for a meal.  That
 +impressed me a lot, and I find myself doing similar things for others in my
 +lifetime.  Once I invited a German man home for Thanksgiving dinner in Palm
 +Coast, Florida, after shooting some pool with him, because although not
 +poor, he was lonely.  My 2<sup>nd</sup> wife had lived for 15 years in
 +Switzerland, and speaks German, which he loved, and we had a very nice day
 +To her dying days, Grandma never thought anyone had enough food to eat.  She
 +was a great cook, and loved to fatten up all of her "boys" --Grandpa, Dad,
 +Dick, Dick's 2 sons, Andrew and David, and not least, me.  When we got
 +together at Easter and Thanksgiving, my 2 cousins and me, would usually have
 +a pancake eating contest.  With Grandma ruling the kitchen with an iron
 +hand, while Gramps scurried around following orders and providing crucial
 +support, we would easily eat 6-8 buttermilk pancakes, heaped with butter and
 +pure, local made maple syrup, //each// It was a disgusting display of
 +decadence that Grandpa was able to provide with his union job at the
 +factory.  He would also, routinely buy me a 16 oz. porterhouse steak, when I
 +was about 9 or 10 years old, and cook it for me himself.  I think he was
 +trying to show me some of the finer things in life, which he learned as the
 +son of a relatively wealthy father.  He would even carve it for me,
 +tenderloin first, and tell me I should eat that before it got cold.   The
 +traditional Sunday afternoon pot roast, and occasional leg of lamb or
 +standing rib roast (prime rib), with mashed potatoes and gravy, and maybe
 +creamed peas are also a great memory.  I could go on and on about how they
 +both spoiled me miserably, but I think that's a good insight for now.
 +Back to my original point, they had survived the times of economic disaster,
 +and with their relative comfort, enjoyed making sure that those they loved
 +would never have to endure any such thing as long as they were around to say
 +something about it.
 +{{westley05.jpg|}}Leone Dann Seymour about 1960
 +That's not to say they were rich.  Grandma lost her mother when she was
 +young, and was raised by her older sisters in Oneonta
 +{{westley06.jpg|}}Grandma with her Mom, Elizabeth Humiston Dann, and an
 +older sister, Ethel about 1909.  She looked a lot like her Mom.  Growing up
 +without her mother was a painful memory for Grandma.  Unfortunately I know
 +nothing about the Humistons.  I did a quick search and found that it's an
 +old German/English name, so probably Anglo-Saxon.
 +{{westley07.jpg|}}Grandma, Leone Dann around 1913
 +Grandpa, being the youngest surviving son of a relatively well off family,
 +saw nothing of the inheritance when his father died.  He received a gold
 +plated pocket knife, on a heavy gold chain, inscribed with the letter C for
 +Clinton, from his father, which I still have.  All of the other assets of
 +Great Grandpa Clinton went to older siblings.  Ironically, when
 +Cannonsville, NY was burned to the ground to make way for the reservoir to
 +provide water for NYC, it was Grandpa who moved the graves of his parents
 +and brothers to the Sidney cemetery, which I assume wasn't cheap.
 +But he had the life that he wanted.  He worked for 30 some years, almost 40,
 +I think, with Cintilla, which then became Bendix, as a union guy back when
 +union workers did very well for themselves.  During WWII, and then the
 +Korean and Vietnam wars, the factory, and therefore Sidney, boomed with fat
 +government contracts to make plane and helicopter parts.  Grandpa told me
 +that he had been offered management positions, but back in those days, an
 +hourly union employee would have been foolish to accept a salaried job,
 +making time and a half for overtime and night shifts, and double time for
 +Sundays and holidays.  He was lucky, that way.  The unions died about the
 +same time that he retired.  Like the old poker player that he was, he played
 +well the cards which he was dealt.
 +He also loved nature, as did Dad and still do I.  He would take me on Sunday
 +drives in the rolling hills of Delaware County on dirt roads, with a pair of
 +binoculars, and we would spot birds.  He could also whistle like no one I
 +ever met.  Beautifully.  He liked to mimic the birds, and actually could.
 +He loved cars, which seems to have come from the Cuyle family, and this was
 +definitely passed on to both his son, Skip, and grandson, Paul as well, and
 +maybe to you.  He always had a big Chevy, in my time (1960's and 70's)
 +Impalas and a Monte Carlo, always with a monster V-8, which he always
 +maintained meticulously at Whitaker's Garage.  He told me another story that
 +during WWII, he had bought a hot Pontiac, before his Chevy days.  He was the
 +king of the road around Sidney in that thing.  After he had had it for a
 +while, some Air Force Officer came knocking at the door offering to buy it
 +from him.  Grandpa was suspicious about why this guy wanted to buy it so
 +badly, and eventually got the story out of him, (remember, you can't
 +bullshit a bullshitter) and it turned out that the car was some sort of Air
 +Force experimental car shoehorned with an airplane motor.  Grandpa always
 +loved a good story, and decided that having such a special car, and the
 +story behind it, was worth more than the profit the Gov't was offering, so
 +he kept it.  Good for him.
 +Lastly, Grandma firmly instilled in me a strong lack of fear of death.  She
 +was a remarkably spiritual person.  Both she and Grandpa read the Bible
 +//every// night in bed before going to sleep.  It wasn't something sporadic,
 +it was a large part of their lives.  They didn't go to church, which they
 +viewed as completely unnecessary.  They taught me that the Church was a
 +business, more than anything else, and they never found it necessary to
 +visit any particular building in order to believe what they were sure was
 +true.  Faith shouldn't cost money.  Anyway, I learned from Grandma that
 +there definitely is something beyond this terrestrial life that we lead,
 +although I'm not sure what it is, I am sure that there is something.  I
 +guess like Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Constitution, "a creator" I
 +personally believe that we may be like caterpillars.  Existing in our
 +limited 3 dimensional world, with death providing the metamorphosis which
 +allows us to experience a 4<sup>th</sup>, and maybe more, dimensions.  Like
 +a butterfly, maybe, after living as a grub.
 +She taught me this lack of fear through the following.  First, and I say
 +this with all seriousness, she was a proven "water witch" It might have
 +gotten her burned at the stake a couple of short centuries earlier.   Recall
 +the story of the hermitess in Ridgefield?  As you'll note later, I'm the son
 +of an above average intelligent man.  As such, I don't believe anything that
 +I can't see, and touch, with my own hands or eyes as the case may be.  One
 +day, when I was about 10, after a fair amount of pestering from me, they
 +began to tell me some more stories.  One was that Grandma had been hired by
 +a local farmer to find water on his land, in order to drill a well.
 +Drilling at random on several acres can be quite costly, and he'd heard of
 +Grandma's unique gift, and paid her to locate his future well, which she
 +did.  Even as a young boy, I was very skeptical.  I was sitting there
 +thinking, "yeah, right, show me", which I in fact said.  They exchanged a
 +quick glance, and then Grandma started issuing orders.  Gramps, as always,
 +complied.  He went out in back of the house, down near the Susquehanna
 +River, and with his trusty pocket knife, cut off a Y shaped switch about 3/4
 +of an inch thick at the base, and diminishing in width outwards, so
 +flexible.  According to her, it had to be from a willow.  We then went into
 +the back yard, and she held the 2 sections of the Y shaped branch in each of
 +her hands, palms up, at the very ends.
 +The thicker part of the branch extended out about a yard.  Remember that I'm
 +quite skeptical, but also fascinated.  She then started to slowly walk
 +across the back yard, with her arms extended, holding the branch in front of
 +her, sticking about 3 feet out.  As she walked, at a certain point, the end
 +of the branch, out in front of her, started to bob up and down slightly.
 +She said, "here it is" and stepped a foot or two forward.  As she stepped
 +forward, the end of the branch, which was not in her hands, bowed markedly
 +downwards.  I was very carefully watching her hands, as a true skeptic
 +would.  Her hands were as steady as a rock, but the opposite end of the
 +switch was moving //a lot// and finally bowed down at almost a 90 degree
 +angle.  Trust me when I tell that my jaw dropped.  It was completely
 +impossible scientifically.  I was truly shocked, but I'll understand if you
 +still remain skeptical.  I would be too, but I saw it with my own eyes.  If
 +you happen to believe the story I just told you, it will make it easier to
 +believe the stories that follow.
 +I found in my Dann research that an ancestor of Leone's was actually tried
 +for witchcraft in Connecticut!  Here's the story and the link:
 +<blockquote> "[Clason Memorial of Stamford, Connecticut, in 1654, by William
 +B. Lapham, 1892] Elizabeth was tried at Fairfield, Connecticut, in 1692 for
 +witchcraft. She was found not guilty. An account of this trial is found in
 +the article, "Elizabeth Clawson...Thou deservest to dye" by Ronald Marcus,
 +Stamford Historical Society, Inc. Stamford, Connecticut, 1976. The following
 +was taken from that article: A large contingency of Elizabeth's friends
 +shared the same strong faith in her innocence by subscribing their names to
 +an affidavit attesting to her good character. Despite the wide-spread belief
 +in the existence of witchcraft and the punishment prescribed for its
 +practice, these residents of Stamford stood firm. The testimony to the good
 +character of the accused Elizabeth was a valiant act, perhaps something
 +unique at that time in Connecticut history. "Oer neighbour Stephen Clason
 +haueing desired us whose names are under writen: seing here is such a report
 +of his wife raised by sume among us: that we would speak: waht we know
 +conserning his said wife and her behauiour among us for so many yeers now
 +know al whom it may consern that we doe declare that since we haue known our
 +said neighbour goodwife Clason we haue not known her to be of a contentious
 +frame nor giuen to use threatning words or to act malisiously towards her
 +neighbors but hath bene siuil and orderly towards others in her conuersation
 +and not to be a busybody in other mens conserns: giuen under our hands in
 +Stanford: 4th June: 1692." (Signed by her neighbors but not by her son-in-
 +law, Francis Dann and daughter, Elizabeth Clason Dann.)" </blockquote>
 +//Elizabeth Clauson was Francis' mother-in-law.  That's not a joke, by the
 +way.  On or about the same day that I found and included this article, I
 +also read an article here (Colombia) in an on-line newspaper, in which
 +people in this, and other parts of the world, still believe in witches.  A
 +woman who reads palms, and communicates with the dead was run out of her
 +village and almost killed by an angry mob after 5 women who she had recently
 +performed some service for suddenly fell to the ground and started
 +convulsing.  They burned down her house after finding a Ouija board, and she
 +had to be escorted out by police to avoid being hung.  This is not in the
 +1600's, but the year 2010!  Unbelievable......//
 +I had to think a while before even sharing this, but I decided that since
 +it's a fact of my life, I should share it, and if you happen to think I'm
 +nuts, then so be it.  Grandma and I had an almost perfect telepathy.  We
 +could communicate without talking.  Even from great distances.  It's
 +something that I've also had with a few other very close people in my life
 +as well, but never so completely.  It's something impossible to describe,
 +but I know that it exists, and that we weren't so unusual, and there's a
 +certain percentage of the population that knows exactly what I'm talking
 +about.  If you've experienced it, then you know what I mean.
 +Last, but not least, Grandma had a weak heart.  She suffered multiple heart
 +attacks starting when she was about 60, and had 3 or 4 major attacks before
 +she died.  She was clinically "dead" 3 times, and had what we call "after
 +life experiences" Again, if I rely on science, which I'm apt to do, I'd be
 +on the side of, well, the brain continues to function, and coupled with
 +adrenaline, etc, can do some strange things.  But after the willow switch
 +incidence, and the fact of the telepathy, I'm more apt to think about some
 +other reason.  She had 3 different "deaths", each with a more advanced
 +version of the story.  The fact that she was clinically dead is without
 +question.  Flat-lined and electronic paddles.  The first was pretty basic.
 +She saw a bright light and had a deep desire to reach it, then THUMP, back
 +to the real world.  On the 2<sup>nd</sup>, she actually had a conversation
 +with a warm voice, about her life.  The last was longer and more elaborate.
 +She was on a beautiful crystal lake, and rowing a boat to the other side,
 +and she was extremely serene and happy.  When she told me these stories, she
 +was very calm, and looked me in the eye, and said, "Paul, you don't have any
 +reason to fear death, I don't, it's something wonderful, but of course, in
 +your time" Or something to that effect.  And so, I don't, which is a huge
 +advantage in life, ironically enough.  Instead of fearing death, I've always
 +been much more afraid of dying with the regrets that go along with an un-
 +lived life.
 +You should take a look in the appendix at the Dann family tree.  
 +It's another pioneer, colonial American family that settled at least two towns in
 +New York, and at least another, being the Town of Abington, Luzerne County,
 +Pennsylvania.  The first to arrive in America was Francis, who came from
 +Barbados, after his father, John Dan was an early English settler from
 +Cumberland County, England of that Island around the same time that Richard
 +Seymour went to Hartford.  Francis landed in Stamford in the late 1670's,
 +about 40 years after it was founded.  The Seymours and Danns, then, were
 +neighbors in CT, about 300 years before Wes and Leone married, as Stamford
 +is in Fairfield County near Norwalk.  Jonathan Dann was a founder of North
 +Norwich, NY in 1794.  One of his sons, who was my GGGG Grandfather Philip
 +Dann, then settled Danville, NY in Broome County, which is next to Delaware
 +County, in the 1840's. [[]]
 +Danville, NY I discovered by accident, is where Clara Barton was living when
 +she founded the American Red Cross.
 +[[]]  After
 +traveling the world, and becoming a famous nurse, why she settled at the
 +crossroads of Danville, NY is a mystery to me.  She also brought about the
 +US ratification of the Geneva Convention while living there.  I urge you to
 +read her biography at the link, she was a very interesting person.
 +OK, back to the Seymours.
 +I should also note that Gramps was a devout member of the Masonic Lodge.
 +One of his dying wishes was that I should have his Masonic ring, which of
 +course, I still have.  Regrettably, to date, I haven't explored membership,
 +but I still might one day.  If it was that important to him, then I should
 +respect his death wish, and maybe become a member, or at least learn more
 +about it.
 +I think I've painted fairly well what great people Wes and Leone Seymour
 +were.  To this day, I cherish the memories, and wish they were still here to
 +share life with, and to laugh.  The old house at 41 Bridge Street, Sidney,
 +New York, was always a warm, safe haven, both when I was a kid, and later
 +when I was a young man, and needed to regroup and find my way.  Keith
 +Robinson, my dear old best friend from Bridge Street, where are you?
 +Remember the daily baseball game after school at the Willow Street park?
 +Those were the good times, weren't they?
 +Old postcard of 41 Bridge Street around 1900.  During my childhood the old
 +round porch started to rot after a hundred or so tough winters.  The cost in
 +the early 1970's to build a round porch was quite a lot more than a plain
 +old rectangular one.  It broke all of our hearts, but we got used to it.
 +That skinny little tree in front, in the far right of this photo taken
 +around 1900, was about 4 feet in diameter when we were kids.  We used to
 +rake the leaves into a pile and jump into it, which was an old ruse used by
 +adults to get kids to do the raking chore.
 +Grandma and Grandpa on the porch.  Goodbyes were really, really hard.
 +Grandma and me on the porch during a trip I made up from Florida on a break
 +between semesters in College during 1986.  I used to drive the 280Z up from
 +Jacksonville to Sidney, 1080 miles exactly from driveway to driveway.  I
 +would usually start out at 5 AM and drive straight through to about 8 PM.
 +Of course, not wasting much time, and dodging the state troopers with a
 +radar detector.
 +Here's a photo of the 280Z in front of Great Aunt Carrie's (Dann) house in
 +Oneonta, NY- This was a cool old house, which at this time Aunt Carrie,
 +about 90 years old but sharp as a tack, had modified in order to rent out
 +several rooms on the second and third floors to college students.  Out back
 +there was a stable built for about 5 horses instead of a garage, as the
 +house was built before the days of cars, and never converted, I guess.
 +Photo out behind the barn of Grandma and Grandpa's house, going down to the
 +Susquehanna River.  Dad (Skip) planted the big horse chestnut tree as a
 +small boy.
 +Gramps was a big fan of the old west, and I used to love to sit up and watch
 +an old western movie on TV with him.  Here's a favorite photo of mine taken
 +in Ocala, Florida.  After we moved to Florida, and since Grandma and Grandpa
 +were retired, they would come down and spend the winter months near us.
 +This picture was taken at Six Gun Territory, an Ocala Wild West theme park,
 +where we would get off to on many occasions.  There was an imitation little
 +town, and there would be a daily gunfight, with stunt men falling off roofs,
 +etc.  We must have seen the same show 10 times, but never got tired of it.
 +This photo is proudly displayed in my home to this day.
 +{{westley13.jpg|}}Mom used to cut my hair.  What can I say....I'm not sure
 +which bowl she used for this one......Trust me though, the other kids at
 +school didn't have the guts to say anything about it.  Another thing I see
 +in this picture, Grandpa liked to always be dressed well.  Here we are, in
 +Ocala, Florida at 95 degrees and extremely humid.  I remember many times
 +around this time that on the local news it would be reported that Ocala was
 +the hottest city in the nation.  And even so he's in a soaked to the skin
 +pair of wool trousers, and decent shirt with wing tips on.  Usually, instead
 +of a baseball cap, he would be in a dress hat, a la 1940's.   This is a
 +trait that definitely wasn't passed on to either Skip or me.  We're the
 +jeans and T-shirt variety.
 +Another picture of gramps and me playing Jarts or Lawn Darts a few later
 +while I was visiting them in Sidney  for the summer where the weather was
 +more reasonable, out in back of the barn.  He and I were an unbeatable team
 +to the great frustration of the neighbors.  It seemed like Grandpa could
 +make a ringer whenever the score got close.  Some of the old hustler in him,
 +I guess.  Not long after this photo was taken, the US Government, in its
 +infinite wisdom, outlawed Jarts.  Unbelievable.  I'm sure Gramps was tossing
 +around in his grave.  I can't even imagine what Capt. Matthew, or Samuel, or
 +William would think about the US Government trying to tell them what game
 +they could or couldn't play in their own back yard.  In fact, I would have
 +liked to have seen the face of the poor bureaucrat who drew the short stick
 +and had to go and tell Capt. Matthew, for example, that he'd have to stop
 +playing jarts now or he'd be arrested. Hah!  But in the 1970's-80's and
 +unbelievably up to today, Americans actually swallow that kind of garbage.
 +Amazing......What happened????
 +{{westley14.jpg|}}Here we are, breaking the law...somebody call the cops.
 +Oh well, I guess we got away with that one.  On to the next generation.
book/westley11.txt · Last modified: 2011/07/05 09:44 by paulseymour