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Welcome to the Seymour Wiki!


This site is dedicated to Seymour genealogy and is built around the concept of a “Wiki”, which is a community-managed database of information. The most famous Wiki is, of course, Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.

Here, you will find genealogical information on numerous Seymours, and you will be able to add your own, edit what is already here, or post questions/comments about any research you might be doing or want to do.

While anyone can view these pages, only registered users can edit them. Registration is free and I have what I believe to be a reasonable privacy policy. To get started, click on the “Login” button at the bottom of this page, then click on “Register”. Or, if you prefer, you may contact me.

Note: This site is brand new, so there may still be broken links or badly formatted text. If you see anything out of the ordinary, please contact me (or feel free to correct it yourself!)

There are five main regions to this site:

  1. "A History of The Seymour Family", by George Dudley Seymour and Donald Lines Jacobus, published in 1939. This is a partial transcript of a book which documents six generations of descendants from Richard Seymour. It is far from complete, but has a lot of useful information anyway.

More useful links:

start.1169941247.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/06/30 14:48 (external edit)